Quick Loans on the Same Day
Get Your Funds the Same Day You ApplyQuick Loans Same Day In
Quick Loans Online
Applying won't impact your credit score
Approval in as fast as 15 Mins
All Credit Welcome
Get 3 Times More Cash
Same Day Cash $50-$50,000
Quick Loans on the Same Day
Quick loans on the same day can get you out of a financial situation when you require money to overcome an emergency. In most cases, you may need some extra money on the spot. You might find an option to get the cash, but most loans require collateral. When you need quick loans on the same day, banks and some online lenders may take days or even weeks for the approval.
How Can I Apply?
What are the requirements?
18 year or older
Able to prove income
Open checking account
What our customers are saying
Types of Quick Loans Available
Available Quick Loans on the Same Day
Relieve yourself from your financial burdens because for bad credit are not a problem at CASH 1. Apply online on our safe and secure website or call us on 888-858-9333 or visit any of our store locations. We approve more with amounts of $50 to $50,000, and you don’t need good credit to get a loan. Our payment terms are up to 90 days. You can even pay it off early without any prepayment penalties.
How it Works?
Apply Online
Get Approved
Get Your Cash