No Traditional Credit Check Loans

You Can Get a Loan With a Bad Credit History

No Traditional Credit Check Loans In

Loans $50 to $50,000

Applying won't impact your credit score

Approval in as fast as 15 Mins

All Credit Welcome

Get 3 Times More Cash

Same Day Cash $50-$50,000

What Is a No Credit Check Loan?

What Is a No Credit Check Loan?

No credit check loans are short-term cash loans designed especially for people with less than stellar credit scores. These types of loans do not require a hard credit check when you apply. Using non-traditional scoring models, the lenders consider other types of financial data. There's no need to hesitate to apply for a loan because of low credit or no credit. You can start your application for a no credit check loan online, over the phone, or by visiting a location whenever you need emergency funds.

How Can I Apply?

Apply online

Apply Online

Click Here

Apply by phone

Apply by Phone

Call (888) 858-9333

What are the requirements?

18 year or older

Able to prove income

Open checking account

What our customers are saying

What Is a Soft Credit Inquiry?

A soft credit inquiry (sometimes called a soft credit check or soft credit pull) is one type of credit inquiry that doesn't affect your credit score. A soft credit check can occur without your consent, for example, a pre-approved loan offer or credit card. Because of this, credit scoring systems like FICO do not consider soft pulls when calculating your credit score.

What Is a Hard Credit Inquiry?

When you apply for a loan or line of credit, a lender requests to review your credit report, that request is recorded on your credit as a hard inquiry. It can affect your score for up to 45 days. Having many inquiries over a short period can indicate you are at a higher risk to lenders because you seek to add more debt.

Will CASH 1 Run a “Traditional” Credit Check When I Apply?

When applying for personal loans, CASH 1 does not perform a hard credit check inquiry, which can hurt your credit score. Instead, we use a proprietary underwriting process that assesses your creditworthiness from various factors. We believe you are more than a credit score. That's why we assess your loan worthiness and approval limits using a proprietary method. To authorize loans, we consider a variety of financial parameters.

Our goal is to provide you with simple cash loans that you can quickly repay. We understand that getting a loan from a traditional lender might be challenging when you have a bad credit score.

What Are The Advantages of Typical No Credit Check Loans?

These loans have a fast and straightforward application process, which allows you to get approved for a loan without stressing your credit score. Generally, there are no prepayment penalties for paying off your loan early. Some lenders report your payment activity to the credit bureaus. As a bonus, you could improve your credit history by paying off your loan early and making timely payments.

What Does CASH 1 Take Into Account When Evaluating My Credit History?

Our loans are designed to help you reach your financial goals without hurting your credit. Moreover, we don't run a hard credit inquiry when you apply for a loan, instead, we use alternative methods to check your creditworthiness and your ability to repay the loan.
• Income Details
• Ability to Repay
• Employment Status

Evaluating Credit History

How Do Non-Traditional Credit Check Loans Work?

Step 1

Apply Online

Step 2

Get Approved

Step 3

Get Your Cash

Frequently Asked Questions About CASH 1 Loans