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How to save money on designer clothes

How To Save Money on Clothes

Updated on April 20, 2021

 Personal Finance

Clothes are a necessity in life. Besides the fact that they are a necessity, clothes are also fun, eloquent and help convey some truths about us. It’s true your outward appearance could be misleading, but that doesn’t change the fact that in the world of today, clothes play an essential part in the way people perceive and interact with us.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that . This amount may seem excessive but if you love expensive clothing, that amount is bound to increase exponentially.

If you are wealthy or well-to-do, the amount will mean very little to you, but if your wallet is on the light side, you need to find ways to cut down on spending related to clothing so you can save. Here are some simple ways to save money on clothing.

Go for Better Quality Clothes

Most people believe that the higher the quality of the clothes, the more expensive they are. But in truth, when you factor in the cost-per-wear value, you realize in the end that better quality clothes are cheaper than low-quality ones. Shoes or suits are a perfect example. Good manufacturers of shoes or suits are typically expensive, but then, you discover in the end that you will not only wear them for a long time, but you can also wear them for different occasions.

'Fast-food' clothes give you the feeling that they are a good deal but ultimately, the money you'll spend on buying five low-quality shoes will surpass the money you could have spent to purchase a pair of 'Giorgio Brutini' shoes.

Try Out Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are an amazing way to save money on clothes. Those who visit thrift stores can attest you can get a bargain you never thought possible – especially if the store supports charity. Of course, there is a lot of digging to be done to get what you want. But if you get into a thrift store like Goodwill, the task of searching has been made a little less daunting since their designer pieces are put on special racks.

It may be challenging to find an item that fits you in a thrift store, but if you find one, there’s no better bargain in town. Remember, before purchasing, always look carefully at the items to check for deep-set stains or odors, and don’t forget to try them on first to make sure the fit is perfect.

Always Seek out Sales and Discounts

Going in for sales and discounts can help you save a lot on clothes. You can on sites like Gilt, Hautelook, Groupon and Rue La La that hosts flash sales that  can be bought at discount rates. Setting a spending limit on clothes is important.

You should take a few minutes to think if you have any clothes in your wardrobe you can match with the dress you're about to buy. Ask yourself how many times you are likely to wear it, so you don’t get carried away by the 'limited-time' offer which is designed to trigger a spending spree.

Also, discounts are usually offered on clothes with little problems such as stains which can be removed or a missing button. Taking advantage of such discounts to keep your spending budget low.

Buy the Clothes That Suit You Best

When shopping for clothes, it's always important to go for what suits your style and fits you best. Buying what looks good on you helps you save money in the end because you save money you would have spent on buying clothes to replace clothes that don’t fit you. As obvious as that sounds, it is a dilemma picking out the clothes that fit you especially with the vast array of clothing options available. People buy lots of stuff that they end up not wearing.

Buying clothes that match can offer a way out. When you find a good piece of clothing, think of at least three clothes in your wardrobe which can be matched with it. Also, try to think of three occasions you would probably be able to wear it. If you can successfully think of these, then, you can purchase the piece of clothing but if you can’t, don’t.

Beware of Fashion Trends

The issue of fashion trends can make you spend a lot on clothes and end up with a large wardrobe of useless fashion clothes. Fashion trends change each day, and if you try to follow all of them, you are likely to spend a huge part of your income on clothes. In the end, the clothes end up in the closet collecting dust or at your local charity. So, in following fashion trends, it's important to go in for items that you genuinely like, and that will go with your style rather than going in for fast fashion.

Reduce Frequency of Doing Laundry

It is true that no one loves dirt and bad smells which can accompany a dress should you wear it for long without washing, but doing laundry is not always good for you. Washing clothes less often make them last longer, which helps you save both your time and money. You won’t need to replace them as often as you would if you wash them frequently when they wear out or fade in color.

Remember washing clothes cause friction which in turn cause clothes to wear, tear and fade out and some clothes such as sweaters, jackets, and jeans can be conveniently worn and aired a few times before they are washed.

Payment with Cash versus Payment with Cards

Using cash to pay for shopping is always more economical than other means such as the use of credit cards. People value money which they have in their wallet more than they value money on their credit cards. Paying with cash is less expensive than using cards. Credit cards have transaction fees which that are tacked on each time a card is swiped. Now, this fee may seem minimal, but if you take into consideration the amount of time the card is swiped, you find out that in the end, cash is better.

Also, the money in your wallet has a limit which can help you budget as you are bound to stop once you have no cash left which is certainly not the case with cards.

Beware Of 'Dry-Clean Only' Clothes

Clothes that are labeled dry-clean only are more expensive than other types of clothes because you continue paying for them each time they need to be dry-cleaned. Depending on how frequent the clothes need dry-cleaning, you could spend a few bucks every time it needs to be dry-cleaned which reduces your income as those extra dollars add up fast. So instead of buying dry-clean-only clothes, you can go in for clothes which look and feel fancy but can be washed at home or you could get home dry-cleaning tools or kits.

Take Good Care of Your Clothes

To lose a piece of clothing because it was attacked by moths especially when it's your favorite is sad. Taking better care of your clothes is an excellent way to save money on clothes. You should know how to wash your 'hand-wash only' clothes as well as your 'dry-clean only' clothes at home and protect them from moths by keeping them in canvas storage containers or storage bags. Know how to properly fold your favorite clothes such as sweaters and t-shirts properly, avoid full drawers, and hang your suits and shirts properly in your closet after cleaning them.

To save money on clothes, you should control yourself and adopt a strategy of purchasing higher quality clothing. Your clothes will last a lot longer depending on how often you wear them. Keeping your favorites around longer lowers your overall budget and helps you save some money. If you are more of a social person, a might work for you.