Cash 1 Blog
College Savings Plans Elude Many Americans
Personal Finance
The costs involved in attending a college or university can add up quickly, especially for those who are unprepared. While more Americans may spend plenty of time developing budgets in advance, recent data indicated that numerous people are not ready to deal with college and university expenses.
According to CNBC, several student loan experts noted that the majority of pupils do not know about the financial implications of 529 plans, education savings options that could help many students reduce their annual costs.
Greg Dosmann, a partner at Edward Jones who focuses on college savings, said that various high school students are financially illiterate, which could have far-flung effects on them. We tell our clients that it can take a family to fund a 529 plan, Dosmann told the news source. 'By taking a long-term savings approach through a vehicle like a 529 plan, families can chip away at the final costs over a period of 15 or more years.'
Getting the necessary funds for school can be difficult
Recent data also highlighted the impact of wealth on Americans' decisions. The news source points out that new research revealed that there was a disparity in levels of awareness of savings options based on socioeconomic status, as wealthier Americans were often better informed than others.
Michael Fitzgerald, chair of the College Savings Plans Network, stated that long-term solutions are crucial for those who want to save money to attend colleges or universities around the country. As more Americans make investments in higher education, these people could consider numerous financial options, including installment loans.
Installment loans are worthwhile for many Americans
Managing a budget remains difficult for a wide variety of Americans, despite the U.S. economy's rebound from the recession of the late 2000s. If unexpected expenses arise, many people could encounter financial problems that will force them to make tough decisions.
However, various financial solutions are available, such as an from CASH 1. This allowance is beneficial for numerous Americans because it enables them to pay off their balances over longer periods of time, thus limiting the short-term financial impact.
Additionally, CASH 1 offers a payday installment loan that may provide significant value to large groups of people. The option is available in Arizona and Nevada and offers payment plans that range between three and 18 months. Many people could reap the rewards of installment loans, even those who are trying to save money for school.
With lower monthly payments, these allowances could benefit many pupils and their families in the near future.