You may have seen the phrase 'personal loan' and wondered
what kind of loan that might be as opposed to other types of
For instance, a home improvement loan from a large bank is
money designated specifically for the purpose of
refurbishing your home. An auto loan is money designated
specifically for purchasing a vehicle. So you can see that
is it important to have a loan definition when discussing
what is a
personal loan.
Regardless of who you may be, at one point or the other, you
will most likely be faced with expenses to cover. If you
need extra money to travel, improve a project, make a
significant purchase, take care of some educational issues,
pay an old bill, consolidate your credit card debt or other
critical and emergency circumstances, a personal loan can
help you through them. This explains mostly why personal
loans are understandably gaining more importance among
people today.
What Is a Personal Loan?
A personal loan refers to money that you borrow from a bank,
online lenders or credit unions which is paid back in fixed
monthly payments, usually over the course of two to five years. Lender
rates often range from 7% to 36% APR. In general, there are
two personal loan examples - secured and
unsecured personal loans. Notably, the unsecured is the most common type.
An unsecured personal loan means merely one that is not
backed by collateral.
A secured loan
is backed by collateral and is usually cheaper. For example,
car collateral loan
would use your car. A home mortgage uses your house as
collateral. The only risk associated with this personal loan
with collateral is that you can lose the collateral if you
default on the payment of the loan.
Typically, a personal loan tends to be cheaper
compared to loans on a credit card. Another advantage a personal loan gives you over other
loan types is that the limits on how much you are allowed to
borrow are usually higher. As such, a personal loan can
consolidate debts into one payment at a lower rate for
people with high balances on multiple high-interest credit
What Are Personal Loans Used For?
The use of personal loans is enormous and cannot be
overemphasized. As such, answering the question of what are
loans used for is quite easy. Simply put, these loans are
used to cover various kinds of expenses.
However, one very big but not a much-known use of personal
loans is payment of debt. A personal loan can help you
save some money
pay off your debt
sooner. The process through which this happens is known as
debt consolidation. This happens by taking out a personal
loan for the amount of your credit card debt and using it to
pay off the balance which means instead of making payments
on the credit card; you will have just one easy payment for
your loan.
Furthermore, using an
instant personal loan
to consolidate your credit card debt can be used as a smart
way to save money. Based on to the Federal Reserve
statistics, the average interest rate for credit cards is
more than 13%. Thus, assuming your credit card balance was
$10,000 and you only made the minimum payments, it would
extend over the course of 15 years or more to pay off the
Also, you will eventually pay back above twice what you were
originally charged due to interest payable on it. This means
you would pay a total of $23,250. On the other hand, if it
were a personal loan, the interest rate is always much
lower. For personal loans in general, the average rate is
usually something around 10%. Some lenders can offer you
rates as low as 5%. In contrast to the situation obtainable
above, assuming you get a five-year personal loan with a 10%
interest rate and proceed to use it to cover your credit
card balance of $10,000, you will be paying back just
$12,748 eventually. That is a total saving of more than
$10,000, and you will also be free of debt for ten years.
Getting a Personal Loan
It is important to highlight as precisely as possible the
steps you will take to
obtain a personal loan.
Step 1: Check your credit score
Your credit score is a significant determinant of your
chances of getting a good personal loan. Your Equifax credit
score would range from 280 to 850. Indeed, it can be
described as an educational score because the score that you
see may be different from the one your lender sees. If your
credit score ranges between 725 and 759, it is considered to
be very good, and if it ranges from 760 to 850, then it is
excellent. In other words, the higher your credit score, the
more affordable your loan is likely to be. By way of
example, if an advertised personal loan carries an interest
rate of 6.9 percent, that makes it several percentage points
below the
average credit card interest rate
when last reported by the Federal Reserve, it was 13.6
Step 2: Understand pre-qualification requirements
Knowing what is a personal loan and what your credit score
is not the ultimate thing when it comes to applying for one.
There is a stage of pre-qualification. You should visit
online lenders or personal finance sites to know whether or
not you pre-qualify for a loan. More often than not, the
average lender performs a soft credit check during
pre-qualification which does not affect your credit score.
Step 3: Know personal loan requirements:
If you don't provide any of the below, you may not
pre-qualify for a loan.
- Your Social Security number
- Your Income
Your monthly debt obligations such as rent, student loans
and so on
- Your address, email and phone number
The name of your employer, phone number, and your work
- Your previous addresses
- Your date of birth
Reasons You Might Be Denied a Personal Loan Include:
- Low credit score
- Having very little income
- Having little or no work history
Having a high debt-to-income ratio (usually if it is above
Having too many recent credit inquiries like credit card
Make Comparative Analysis of Your Offers and Other Credit
Before you make application for a personal loan, make sure
that you qualify for a 0% credit card. If your credit is
good, you can perhaps get a credit card that has 0% interest
on purchases for a year or even more. Therefore, if you will
be able to repay the loan in that time, then a credit card
is your cheapest option.
In this case, the personal loan example you should consider
is a secured one. The reason here is that if your credit is
not that great, you are likely going to get a better
interest rate with a secured loan. As stated earlier, this
will require collateral from you, commonly a car, house or
even savings account. However, if you have a house, it is
more advisable to go for a home equity loan or
line of credit
because they tend to be much cheaper than an unsecured loan.
On a different note, you may as well consider adding a
co-signer for a personal loan. If you do not qualify for a
loan on your own, a
co-signed personal loan
is a good option which you should consider. In a co-signed
personal loan, the lender often considers the credit history
and income of both the borrower and co-signer before
approving the loan.
Compare Lenders
Try to draw up a large list of different lenders that offers
personal loans. Additionally, you should try to get a proper
estimate from every one of them to find out what interest
rate you qualify for as well as possible repayment terms.
The point here is that, by comparing different lenders, it
becomes easier for you to get the best deal.
Present the Necessary Documents for a Personal
After pre-qualification, you will be required to present
certain documents for approval of your application. Usually,
the request for these documents is geared towards three
purposes which are:
Identification: Your passport, driver’s license, state ID
or Social Security card
Verification of address: Your utility bills or copy of
Proof of income: Your W-2 forms, pay stubs, tax returns or
bank statements
After this, the lender is expected to run a hard credit
check which may briefly knock a few points off your credit
scores. Upon final approval of your application for the
loan, you should receive the money according to the lender's
terms, which more often than not happens within the space of
a week.
A personal loan is specifically for an individual borrower
and can be used in any way the customer sees fit; from
buying groceries, making emergency rent payments and just
any reason you can think of. A personal loan, and in particular, a no credit check
loan from CASH 1, is a loan that is based on your income,
and your ability to pay off the loan in the terms agreed
upon. There is no credit check, no bank account necessary,
and you can get one if you have
bad credit
or no credit.
For those with no credit, a personal loan can help build
personal credit and
improve a credit score fast.
A personal loan is paid for with your anticipated income and
is never set up in a way that you will not be able to pay it
back while still paying your bills and meeting other
financial needs.
So come see us at
and find out if a personal loan is right for you.