When credit history is discussed, it's about how you handled
debt in the past and your current finances. Read on to learn
how your previous credits or loans influence your
present-day requirements and if you can enhance
creditworthiness by maintaining a good credit history.
What Is Credit History?
Credit history is a record of how you manage your money and
debt, including
loans, credit card accounts, and others.
The Federal Trade Commission
states that your credit history begins with an application
for a loan or credit card. As you use the financial product
and pay your balances, the lender will report your account
activity to the credit bureaus. For instance, your credit
card issuer could report the date you opened the card, your
balance, and your payment history. When the credit bureaus
receive the information, they add it to your
credit reports.
Those reports are used to determine your credit score by
companies like
VantageScore®. Lenders also use the information and scores to evaluate
your creditworthiness.
Why Is Credit History Important?
Credit history is an essential component of credit reports
and directly influences your credit score. Good or
bad credit history
is more crucial than you think and will benefit or harm you
on multiple occasions. For instance:
Landlords consider looking into your credit history to
know your creditworthiness before agreeing to lease.
Banks and insurance companies use credit history to know
your credit score. They decide the interest or credit
limit and insurance rate based on your repayment ability.
Employers check credit history
to validate your identity. It also gives information on
your credit behavior. You could be passed for a job if
your history is bad.
How Does Credit History Work?
The major credit bureaus,
TransUnion, and
Equifax, allow third parties to view your credit history through
credit reports. These bureaus record each credit transaction
and loan to calculate your credit score. With every delayed
payment, you receive a negative mark on your credit history,
affecting your overall credit report.
You can categorize credit history into three types:
1. Good Credit History
As the name suggests, a good credit history proves you are
responsible for your finances. It shows you can manage debts
efficiently by paying bills on time, repaying loans, and
keeping the balance on your credit cards low. You get better
loan offers with lower interest rates if you have a
fair credit
2. Bad Credit History
Bad credit history implies that you may be unable to pay
debts on time and indicates delayed or missed payments or
poor financial events like
bankruptcy, repossession, and charge-offs in the past. Moreover, it
adversely affects your credit score, making it difficult for
lenders to grant you loans.
3. No Credit History
People with little to no existing credit have no credit
history. College students, young adults, and recent
immigrants usually come under this group. They are often
known as credit invisible since they do not have enough
credit history to have a score.
What Is a Good Length of Credit History?
The length of your credit history accounts for about 15%
when calculating your
credit score. The age or length of credit history refers to the
duration you have been using credit. Long and positive
credit history makes you a better candidate for
loans or credit cards. Many people with a good credit score between 800-850 have
an average length of credit history of 99-128 months.
What Does Credit History Show?
Your credit history summarizes your financial information
The number of open or closed credit accounts you have
- Timeline of when you opened the accounts
- Your payment history
- Amount you owe
- Your available credit
Information about bankruptcy, judgments, collections, or
Credit History Example
Let's look at a few examples to understand how a credit
history impacts your financial choices. Jeff wants to buy a
home. But he will have to take out a loan to meet the
required funds. Jeff is familiar with how loans work, as he
received a car loan and mortgage earlier. He had repaid all
loan installments
with interest on time. Moreover, he always pays his
monthly payments. He now has a good credit history. This helped him to
explore home loan refinancing choices and opt for the one
with lower interest rates.
Let's consider the other scenario where Jeff is
irresponsible. His mortgage is due, but he still squanders
the money. His haphazard expenses will result in bad credit
history, further tarnishing his credit reports. When he
approaches a bank or any financial institution for a loan
next time, they might reject his loan application after
seeing his previous handling of the mortgage.
Credit History vs. Credit Score
There is a relationship between credit score and credit
history. A credit score is a three-digit number signifying
your creditworthiness. It's calculated using the information
available in your credit reports, including several aspects
of your credit history. The base FICO® Scores range from
300-850. Your score determines your ability to pay bills and
Multiple factors play a vital role in calculating your
score, for instance, payment history, credit utilization,
age of credit,
type of credit, total balances, debts, recent credit inquiries, available
credit, etc. However, all these factors make your credit
history. In a way, prioritizing your credit history will
automatically lead to a better credit score.
Who Uses Credit History to Determine Credit Score?
The Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs) analyze consumers'
borrowing habits and draft credit reports. FICO (Fair Isaac
Corporation) developed a strategy to help lenders estimate
any potential risk a borrower may be. FICO presents a
borrower's creditworthiness in scores ranging from 300-850.
Companies, financial institutions, and lenders use these
scores to measure your ability to repay the loan or services
and substantiate your identity.
How Do Lenders Use Your Credit History?
Potential lenders evaluate your credit history to project
your repayment ability. They use your previous credits to
gauge if there is any credit risk in lending you funds.
Further, it assists in settling an interest rate or
insurance return based on your earlier credits.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) lists multiple
potential lenders or businesses who can access your credit
history from the credit reports to analyze the risk you
carry, like:
- Banks
- Insurance companies
- Landlords
- Utility companies
- Employers
Credit history influences your financial life. In this
aspect, financial life entails repaying debts and loans on
time, making monthly payments, maintaining fewer credit
accounts, avoiding borrowing funds promptly, and so on. And
lastly, you can improve your credit history as it entirely
relies on your actions. You can check your credit report to
view your account, stay on track with your progress, and
ensure the data's accuracy.